VNA Hospice Care

VNA Hospice Care Comforts the Patient, Heals the Familying Back

When patients and their families are faced with the reality of end-of-life caregiving, our multidisciplinary team − of hospice-certified doctors, nurses, therapists, medical social workers and home health aides − is there to help. Visiting Nurse Association Health Group’s hospice care in NJ abides by a philosophy of comprehensive, uplifting care that focuses on mind, body and soul. Patients and their loved ones receive unparalleled medical care and support that allows them to make the most of their time together.

Below describes all the care and services available to VNA’s hospice patients. Contact us with any questions about VNA hospice care at 800-200-2345.

Want to Learn More About Hospice Care?

    Best-in-Class Hospice Care

    It is a common misbelief that hospice is about dying, when in reality, it is about living. While the idea of hospice care can seem negative, we prefer to see it as a natural process of life. Hospice is a care, not a place. It allows patients and their families to prepare for and enjoy the time they have left with each other.

    We are proud to announce that VNA Health Group’s joint ventures VNA of Central Jersey (VNACJ), Robert Wood Johnson Visiting Nurses and VNA of Englewood all scored best in class of the hospice compare with VNACJ scoring 100% in both patient preference categories and 100% in 4 out of 5 managing pain and treatment categories.

    Music Therapy

    Throughout history, music has been used for self-expression, to bring people together and to create a feeling of soothing and calm. Today, music therapy is an established healthcare profession that uses music to meet the needs of individuals in many settings. In hospice care, music therapy can:

    • Assist with relaxation
    • Decrease pain perception
    • Assist in life review and recalling of memories

    Provide pleasant interactive experience for patients and family members

    Pet Therapy

    Visitation between patients and animals promotes activity, conversation and emotional connection. Interacting with animals provides a relaxing and understanding presence to those at the end-of-life journey, can increase levels of overall comfort and reduce physical pain.

    Spiritual Care

    VNA Health Group employs a large number of hospice chaplains from a variety of faith traditions because we believe that pastoral care is an integral component of providing quality hospice care. Hospice chaplains meet the emotional, mental and spiritual needs of patients and their families just as our nurses and other clinicians work to meet patients’ physical well-being.

    Veterans to Veterans Program

    Our staff understands the unique needs of Veterans. They are prepared to meet the specific challenges that Veterans and their families may face at the end of life.

    Through our Veteran to Veteran Hospice Program each Veteran will be provided with enhanced comfort care at the end of life. Our specially trained Veteran Volunteers are able to provide the patient, caregiver and family unit with the support and assistance that they deserve. Veterans understand Veterans

    Gifts of Compassion

    Crafted by our hospice volunteers, memory bears and pillows are given to hospice patient’s families in memory of their loved one. The gifts are crafted from an item of clothing, such as a favorite sweatshirt or t-shirt, which was worn by their loved one.

    Have questions about home care?
    Contact us today at 800-400-0981

    Contact Us

    Thank you for your interest in VNA Health Group. We welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you have about our services.

    Please fill out the form or call us at 800-862-3330