Beyond the Board with Eileen O’Hern Luby

Longtime trustee and supporter of VNA, Eileen O’Hern Luby, Esq., has stepped into the role of vice chair of the VNAHG Board of Trustees. She previously served as the Board’s secretary.

Among Luby’s many contributions to the organization is her pivotal role in establishing the Cristine Meredith Miele Fund, which supports community breast health initiatives.

The effort was very personal for her. Cristine Meredith Miele was a close friend and mother of three who passed away from breast cancer in 2010. Soon after, Luby helped set up a nonprofit foundation to raise money in honor of her dear friend. That foundation later merged with VNAHG to become the Cristine Meredith Miele Fund, a restricted fund which provides supplemental funding to the VNA’s Cancer Education and Early Detection (CEED) Program, including mammograms for those who previously may not have qualified due to income restrictions.

“Women are getting mammograms who may not have otherwise,” said Luby. “We love that we fill that gap!”

The fund promotes early detection and prevention awareness, such as screenings, testing, and diagnostic services regardless of financial means. Luby points out that these early detection measures result in significantly higher chances for survival.

“Joining the foundation with the VNA enabled us to impact many more women,” she said. “We focus on women who do not qualify for CEED but still may fall through the cracks.”

The Harvard Law School alumna also brings her expertise to chairing two VNA board committees. The Ethics Committee, which advises VNA employees who face complex ethical decisions with their patients, and the Institutional Review Board, which reviews research and legal compliance for published research projects.

Beyond her board service, Luby says her most important connection to VNA came when her mother was injured in a terrible accident.

“I saw firsthand the nurses caring for her at home – and was so grateful,” said Luby. “They are very devoted and work so hard.”

The Red Bank native attended Red Bank Catholic High school and went on to Wellesley College. No stranger to big families, Luby is one of five children and mother of four adult children. In her spare time, she loves being active and enjoys all things outdoors.

In her new role, she looks forward to collaborating with her fellow board members and helping the VNA continue its vital work.

“I love to support everything they do,” she added.


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