What is Grief Hospice Counseling and How is it Helpful

Grief is associated with death and is a natural reaction to the loss of a loved one. When you grieve, you experience behavioral, psychological, emotional and physical responses. These include, but are not limited to: isolation, sadness, anger, guilt and changes in eating and sleeping patterns.

Grief is the normal internal feeling one experiences in reaction to a loss, while bereavement is the state of experiencing that loss.

Understanding Grief

Every grief experience is unique and individual. There is no right or wrong way to grieve and there is no time limit to your grief.

Grief is a four phase process. Phase one is the initial shock of the death. Phase two is working through the pain. Phase three is adjusting to the loss. Phase four is moving forward.

The VNA holds a monthly seminar titled “Understanding Grief.” This seminar is designed to educate and help you comprehend your grieving process.

For more information, please click here.

What are Bereavement Support Groups?

Bereavement support groups are facilitated by the VNA Bereavement Counselors. The purpose of these groups are to connect with others and to find a sense of community through the common bond of loss. They provide a safe forum to process and externalize emotions and to learn coping skills. We offer a wide range of groups that are open to those that lost loved ones on our hospice program, as well as members of the community. 

View our various support groups below:

Our Bereavement Counselors are an important part of your healing process. They can help you and your family understand the grieving process, how to cope with the loss of a loved one, as well as develop strategies for managing your loss and grief. We also offer Bereavement Boxes for children as well as provide resources for local children’s grief support programs.

Individual bereavement counseling and support groups are offered to families whose loved one was on VNA’s Hospice Program. Other supportive options offered include memorial services, mailings about the grieving process, and supportive telephone calls. Bereavement support groups are also available to grievers from the community at large. If you do not reside in the state of New Jersey, our bereavement team can assist in helping you find local bereavement groups and resources in your area.


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