How to Take Care of a Deep Wound at Home?

An open wound is any internal or external injury that exposes internal tissue. The skin has an important role in protecting the organs and tissues, so when it’s broken, it can invite infection. This is why it’s so important to seek medical attention and keep the wound clean. A closed wound, on the other hand, happens when damage and bleeding occur under the skin, such as with bruises and fractures. 

Open wounds can happen from a number of things, including animal bites, cuts, punctures and bedsores. Let’s learn more about how to care for a deep wound at home so that you know all the right – and wrong – things to do. 

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Deep Wound

Deep pressure ulcers require prompt medical attention and typically cannot be fully treated at home. However, there are steps you can take to help manage and support the healing process. 

Here are some general guidelines:Seek professional medical help: Contact a healthcare provider immediately to assess the severity of the pressure ulcer and determine the appropriate treatment plan.

Deep pressure ulcers often require specialized care and may need interventions such as wound debridement or surgery. 

  • Relieve pressure: Pressure relief is crucial to prevent further damage and promote healing.
  • Ensure the affected area is not subjected to continuous pressure or friction.
  • Use appropriate positioning techniques and specialized cushions or mattresses to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Cleanse the wound: Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions for wound cleansing. Generally, gentle cleansing with mild soap and warm water is recommended. Avoid scrubbing or using harsh solutions that can damage the delicate tissue.
  • Wash and dry your hands thoroughly. If you have them available, wear disposable gloves as well. 
  • Rinse the wound under running tap water for five to ten minutes. 
  • Soak a gauze pad or cloth in saline solution or tap water, or use an alcohol-free wipe, and gently dab the affected area. 
  • Gently pad the area dry using a clean towel or tissue, but avoid fluffy objects like a cotton ball. Loose strands of material can otherwise get stuck in the wound. 
  • Apply dressings: Apply appropriate dressings as instructed by your healthcare provider. Dressings can help protect the wound, absorb excess moisture, and facilitate a moist healing environment. 
  • Irrigate your wound with an approved wound cleansing solution (ex. Sterile normal saline or commercially available wound cleansing spray) during dressing changes.
  • If blood soaks through the bandage, leave it in the place, add another dressing and apply pressure. 
  • Avoid using adhesive dressings directly on the wound to prevent further damage during removal
  • Maintain optimal nutrition: Good nutrition plays a vital role in wound healing. Consume a well-balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins (especially vitamin C and zinc), and minerals to support tissue repair. Consult a registered dietitian or healthcare provider for personalized nutritional advice.
  • Promote circulation and mobility: Regular movement and circulation stimulation are essential for preventing pressure ulcers and promoting healing. If possible, engage in gentle exercises or range-of-motion activities as advised by your healthcare provider. Avoid prolonged periods of immobility
  • Manage pain and discomfort: Deep pressure ulcers can be painful. Follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations for pain
  • When the wound is healed, be sure to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 to control scarring. 

VNA Health Group’s Wound Management Program 

Some deep wounds will heal and never be a problem again. Other wounds can reopen and lead to infection, such as bedsores. VNA Health Group offers wound management services that provide wound care in the comfort of home. Our program is led by certified wound experts using cutting-edge technology. 

Contact our wound management experts to learn more about our Wound Management Program and how it can improve your clinical outcome and decrease hospital readmission. 


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